The Biden-Harris Campaign's Disregard for Their Base

[Background: The National Democratic Convention is where the Democratic Party chooses our presidential nominee in August, when each state sends their elected Party delegates. While delegates are elected through a transparent process, the Presidential campaign reserves the right to disqualify delegate candidates without providing justification.] 

On election day for Washington state delegates (May 18), the Biden-Harris campaign wielded its privilege and disqualified several National Biden-Harris delegate candidates without explanation. 

Those cuts disproportionately impacted historically marginalized communities here in Washington State—one of several states sending Uncommitted delegates to Chicago in August.

The Biden-Harris campaign rejected numerous Palestinian and Arab American candidates, trans candidates, and candidates of color—people who already dedicated years of late nights and talent to the Party—demonstrating a blatant disregard for vital voices from these communities. These exclusions undermine the diversity that is supposedly at the heart of the Democratic Party. 

These candidates enriched the Party with their skills, experiences, sacrifices, and passion while at times expressing strong yet constructive criticism. Their open critiques were essential to addressing systemic issues, to refining policies and practices that respond to the needs and aspirations of our diverse constituency. 

Notably, many of the disqualified candidates were those who voiced criticism over Biden's support of Israeli military operations in Gaza, operations that the International Criminal Court now accused of being war crimes and crimes against humanity. But even these critiques are reflective of the Party’s entire Legislative Districts. Polls indicate growing criticism among Democratic constituents writ large. Meanwhile, an alarming statewide poll shows Biden leading Trump with just 42%, compared to 58% in 2020 in a reliably blue state.

Dissent from delegates would only serve to strengthen the Party by keeping it reflective of its base; eliminating it weakens us all.

The Biden-Harris campaign’s decision suggests a reluctance to embrace real dialogue and diverse perspectives. It appears to prioritize a unified façade for the convention at the expense of accurate representation and inclusivity. By ignoring reality, the Party further endangers our democracy given the alternative candidate. The Democratic Party cannot continue using a mirage for a path to victory. The more disconnected the Party is from voters–much less, our Party’s very own delegate candidates–the more the Party accepts losing in the name of moral bankruptcy or cowardice.

This is not how a base grows. This is how a base shrinks.




Help our delegates afford the DNC!